Virtual Excursions

Virtual excursion to the Serra de Ibitipoca, Minas Gerais, Brazil

Geological and paleontological sites in Brazil

CPRM -Virtual excursion to Serra do Rio do Rastro - SC, Brazil

Student Resource Center - GeologyLink - Virtual Field Trips

Primer of Kansas Geology

Subterranean Limestone Quarries (Netherlands)

Indonesian Geology Resources

Arizona Geology Virtual Tourist Home Page

Oman Virtual Field Trip (slides)

Geology of the Grand Canyon

Long Island's Natural Environment OnLine

Geology and Geography of New York Bight Beaches

Westchester (New York) Geology Web Page

The Coaxial Segment of the Juan De Fuca Ridge: NE Pacific Seafloor Data and Images

A Virtual Field Trip: Oneonta to the Hudson River (New York State)